Exploring the DEX Tracker Page
LineaScan’s DEX tracker tracks all trading transactions from the list of supported DEX.

- Select DEX: Filter transactions based on DEX.
- DEX Pie Chart: A breakdown of all tracked activity on DEXs tracked by LineaScan. It includes the transaction count percentage of total.
- Txn Hash: A transaction hash (Txn Hash), or also known as a transaction ID, is given whenever a transaction is initiated on Linea.
- Age: Shows the age when the transaction was executed. Click the tab to toggle to DateTime (UTC) format.
- Action: This tab shows the trading action taken by the transaction.
- It uses stablecoins USDT, USDC and DAI as the base currency. An address transferring out USDT and receiving ETH in exchange has their action labeled as a Buy, and a transaction with the opposite flow is labeled as a Sell.
- Transactions not involving the above stablecoins use ETH as base currency. An address transferring out ETH and receiving YFI in exchange has their action labeled as a Buy, and a transaction with the opposite flow is labeled as a Sell.
- Token Amount (Out): The amount of tokens the user is sending out for the trade.
- Token Amount (In): The amount of tokens the user is receiving for the trade.
- Swapped Rate: The exchange rate at which the transaction was made.
- If it’s a selling transaction, the exchange rate is calculated by dividing Amount of Token In with Amount of Token Out.
- If it’s a buying transaction, the exchange rate is calculated by dividing Amount of Token Out with Amount of Token In.
- Txn Value: This tab shows the total value of the token being transferred in USD terms at the time of transaction.
- DEX: The DEX at which the transaction occurred.

Teck Yuan Lee
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